Dope or Nope | Stargazing (Why I Stalk Wesley Snipes)


Written by Bryan Staton 

If you’re reading this take a moment and look at Wesley's Ig (realwesleysnipes) and I’m sure there’s a comment from me on every pic. He’s been a good sport and as of today I’m not blocked or reported. As I write this I have to ask myself “Do I want to loose my page for stalking the Snipes”?? Yes. One word to describe this man is unbelievable he made his television debut in Michael Jackson's “Bad” video, he’s a two time drug lord in “New Jack City” & “Sugar Hill” and he took a chick from Denzel in “Mo Betta Blues. In his real life  he’s a jujitsu master or something but my favorite thing is him going to  the feds  in 2008 for three years for failure to pay taxes,  influencing Kendrick’s “Wesley’s Theory”. I personally dubbed him Pray Liotta, not to be confused with the actor Ray Liotta. The same way you can google J Prince and you’ll see a trigger finger pic, if you google WS you’ll see a pic of him with prayer hands. I duplicated this high power move from him. I watched a documentary called Brooklyn Boheme, and Wesley ran with a crew in the 80s of budding actors, musicians, artists and other and the rumor is he would throw dark parties and smoke angel dust. Wonderful. Maybe I feel a connection because we’re both Leo’s who love prayer hands and  will take any man down with submission holds. Wesley Trent Snipes, Vintage Dope loves you!!!!

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