Dope or Nope | Fill Me??


Written by Bryan Staton

It’s something ugly plaguing the world. Something that’s time consuming, intrusive, repetitive, and often useless. What else can I be describing aside from the epitome of corporate America itself, the dreaded job Application.

I googled “What year was the first job application” and got no results so I’m going to assume it started with the first jobs.  I started working when I was just 14 years old, it was through a school program. From there I worked for a local restaurant “China Moon” and then a paper route . It’s a blur from there. But I can remember when applications were actually on paper. A few questions like “Are you a felon”? “Are you eligible to work in the United States”? and some employment history. Now that it’s online it’s changed for the worst. I think applicants should be paid just for completing it, especially after the “assessment” . The process is like telling someone “this ain’t what you want” and they take the chance anyway. I mean what’s the point of inserting a resumè if you have to manually enter your employment history? Who really remembers addresses and phone numbers from old jobs ? I think along with the constitution, and the Bible , the job application needs to be updated to fit the world in 2018. So here’s a few additions to make the process alot less painful :

Keep it simple: with the application being so in depth it kind of cancels out the interview process

Implement social media: if you want to know anything about a potential hire twitter , IG “the book” will tell you everything you need to know. Especially when they call out

And last but not least

Trim the fat: there is no reason to ask if I’m a disabled veteran, if anyone in my family received government assistance , or those tedious assessment questions where there is no “right or wrong” answers.

Thank you Kindly
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